Payment Error Codes

I00001 Successful. The request was processed successfully.
I00002 The subscription has already been canceled. The subscription has already been canceled.
I00003 The record has already been deleted. The record has already been deleted.
I00004 No records found. No records have been found that match your query.
I00005 The mobile device has been submitted for approval by the account administrator. The mobile device was successfully inserted into the database.
I00006 The mobile device is approved and ready for use. The mobile device was successfully registered and approved by the account administrator.
I00007 The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been accepted. The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been accepted.
I00008 The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been declined. The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been declined.
I00009 The APIUser already exists. The APIUser already exists.
I00010 The merchant is activated successfully. The merchant is activated successfully.
I00011 The merchant is not activated. The merchant is not activated.
I99999 This feature has not yet been completed. One day it will be but it looks like today is not that day. This is a work in progress. This message will not be released to production. It’s just a dev placeholder.
E00001 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. An unexpected system error occurred while processing this request.
E00002 The content-type specified is not supported. The only supported content-types are text/xml and application/xml.
E00003 An error occurred while parsing the XML request. This is the result of an XML parser error.
E00004 The name of the requested API method is invalid. The name of the root node of the XML request is the API method being called. It is not valid.
E00005 The transaction key or API key is invalid or not present. User authentication requires a valid value for transaction key or API key.
E00006 The API user name is invalid or not present. User authentication requires a valid value for API user name.
E00007 User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values. The API user name is invalid and/or the transaction key or API key is invalid. This error indicates that invalid credentials, the API Login ID or Transaction Key, are being submitted. If you have confirmed that your API login ID and Transaction Key are accurate, you may need to confirm that you are submitting to the correct URL. If you are using a test account, please make sure to post to the sandbox URL. If you’re using a live account, make sure to post to the production URL.
E00008 User authentication failed. The account or API user is inactive. The payment gateway, reseller, or user account is not currently active.
E00009 The payment gateway account is in Test Mode. The request cannot be processed. The requested API method cannot be executed while the payment gateway account is in Test Mode. To disable Test Mode, log into the Merchant Interface at and click Account > Test Mode > Turn Test OFF.
E00010 User authentication failed. You do not have the appropriate permissions. The user does not have permission to call the API.
E00011 Access denied. You do not have the appropriate permissions. The user does not have permission to call the API method. To enable the Transaction Details API:
Step 1. Log in to your account at the Merchant Interface.
Step 2. Enter your login ID and password.
Step 3. Click Account.
Step 4. Under Security Settings, click Transaction Details API.
Step 5. Enter your secret answer.
Step 6. Click Enable Transaction Details API.
E00012 A duplicate subscription already exists. A duplicate of the subscription was already submitted. The recurring billing system checks a new subscription for duplicates, using these fields:

If all of these fields are duplicated in an existing subscription, error code E00012 will result. Modifying any of these fields should result in a unique subscription.
E00013 The field is invalid. One of the field values is not valid. One of the field values is not valid. The response text field should provide you the details of which “field” exactly is invalid so check the response text.
E00014 A required field is not present. One of the required fields was not present.
E00015 The field length is invalid. One of the fields has an invalid length.
E00016 The field type is invalid. The field type is not valid.
E00017 The start date cannot occur in the past. The subscription start date cannot occur before the subscription submission date.
E00018 The credit card expires before the subscription start date. The credit card is not valid as of the start date of the subscription.
E00019 The customer tax id or drivers license information is required. The customer tax ID or driver’s license information (driver’s license number, driver’s license state, driver’s license DOB) is required for the subscription.
E00020 The payment gateway account is not enabled for eCheck.Net subscriptions. The payment gateway account is not set up to process eCheck.Net subscriptions.
E00021 The payment gateway account is not enabled for credit card subscriptions. The payment gateway account is not set up to process credit card subscriptions.
E00022 The interval length cannot exceed 365 days or 12 months. The interval length must be 7 to 365 days or 1 to 12 months.
E00023 The subscription duration cannot exceed three years. The number of total occurrences cannot extend the duration of the subscription beyond three years from the start date.
E00024 Trial Occurrences is required when Trial Amount is specified. The number of trial occurrences cannot be zero if a valid trial amount is submitted.
E00025 Automated Recurring Billing is not enabled. The payment gateway account is not enabled for Automated Recurring Billing.
E00026 Both Trial Amount and Trial Occurrences are required. If either a trial amount or number of trial occurrences is specified then values for both must be submitted.
E00027 The transaction was unsuccessful. An approval was not returned for the transaction. This error may occur for merchants on the HSBC or FDI Australia processors when setting validationMode to liveMode as these processors do not support authorization reversals. We recommend HSBC and FDI Australia merchants set validationMode to testMode instead. For more information, check the errorCode field in the response.
E00028 Trial Occurrences must be less than Total Occurrences. The number of trial occurrences specified must be less than the number of total occurrences specified.
E00029 Payment information is required. Payment information is required when creating a subscription or payment profile.
E00030 The payment schedule is required. A payment schedule is required when creating a subscription.
E00031 The amount is required. The subscription amount is required when creating a subscription.
E00032 The start date is required. The subscription start date is required to create a subscription.
E00033 The start date cannot be changed. Once a subscription is created the start date cannot be changed.
E00034 The interval information cannot be changed. Once a subscription is created the interval cannot be changed.
E00035 The subscription cannot be found. The subscription ID for this request is not valid for this merchant.
E00036 The payment type cannot be changed. Changing the subscription payment type between credit card and eCheck.Net is not currently supported.
E00037 The subscription cannot be updated. Subscriptions that are expired, canceled or terminated cannot be updated.
E00038 The subscription cannot be canceled. Subscriptions that are expired or terminated cannot be canceled.
E00039 A duplicate record already exists. A duplicate of the customer profile, customer payment profile, or customer address was already submitted. For information about the rules that Authorize.Net uses to check for duplicate profiles, see the Customer Profiles API Documentation.
E00040 The record cannot be found. The customer profile ID, payment profile ID, shipping address ID, or transaction ID for this request is not valid for this merchant.
E00041 One or more fields must contain a value. All of the fields were empty or missing.
E00042 You cannot add more than {} payment profiles. The maximum number of payment profiles for the customer profile has been reached.
E00043 You cannot add more than {} shipping addresses. The maximum number of shipping addresses for the customer profile has been reached.
E00044 Customer Information Manager is not enabled. The payment gateway account is not enabled for Customer Information Manager (CIM).
E00045 The root node does not reference a valid XML namespace. The root node does not reference a valid XML namespace.
E00046 Generic InsertNewMerchant failure. Generic InsertNewMerchant failure.
E00047 Merchant Boarding API is not enabled. The reseller account is not enabled for Merchant Boarding API.
E00048 At least one payment method must be set in payment types or an echeck service must be provided. The merchant account must be set up to accept credit card payments, eCheck payments, or both.
E00049 The operation timed out before it could be completed. The database operation timed out before it could be completed.
E00050 Sell Rates cannot be less than Buy Rates Cannot set a buyrate to less than the sellrate
E00051 The original transaction was not issued for this payment profile. If customer profile ID, payment profile ID, and shipping address ID are included, they must match the original transaction.
E00052 The maximum number of elements for an array {0} is {1}. The maximum number of elements for an array has been reached.
E00053 Server too busy The server is currently too busy, please try again later.
E00054 The mobile device is not registered with this merchant account. The mobile device identifier is not associated with the merchant account.
E00055 The mobile device has already been registered but is pending approval by the account administrator. The mobile device exists but is in a pending status.
E00056 The mobile device has been disabled for use with this account. The mobile device exists but has a status of disabled.
E00057 The user does not have permissions to submit requests from a mobile device. The user does not have sufficient permissions to use a mobile device with this merchant account.
E00058 The merchant has met or exceeded the number of pending mobile devices permitted for this account. The merchant has too many devices in a pending status.
E00059 The authentication type is not allowed for this method call. The authentication type is not allowed for the requested method call.
E00060 The transaction type is invalid. The transaction type is invalid.
E00061 ({1}). Could not decrypt DUKPT blobs and returned error.
E00062 Fatal error when calling web service. Fatal error when calling web service.
E00063 Calling web service return error. Calling web service return error.
E00064 Client authorization denied. Client authorization denied.
E00065 Prerequisite failed. Prerequisite failed.
E00066 Invalid value. Invalid value.
E00067 An error occurred while parsing the XML request. Too many {} specified. This is the result of an XML parser error. Too many nodes specified.
E00068 An error occurred while parsing the XML request. {} is invalid. This is the result of an XML parser error. The node is invalid.
E00069 The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been accepted. Decline is not allowed. The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been accepted. Decline is not allowed.
E00070 The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been declined. Agree is not allowed. The Payment Gateway Account service (id=8) has already been declined. Agree is not allowed.
E00071 {} must contain data. All of the fields were empty or missing.
E00072 Node {} is required. Required node missing.
E00073 {} is invalid. One of the field values is not valid.
E00074 This merchant is not associated with this reseller. This merchant is not associated with this reseller.
E00075 An error occurred while parsing the XML request. Missing field(s) {}. This is the result of an XML parser error. Missing field(s).
E00076 {} contains invalid value. Invalid value.
E00077 The value of {} is too long. The length of value should be {1} Value too long.
E00078 Pending Status (not completed). Pending Status (not completed).
E00079 The impersonation login ID is invalid or not present. Impersonation partner login ID is invalid or not present.
E00080 The impersonation API Key is invalid or not present. Impersonation API Key is invalid or not present.
E00081 Partner account is not authorized to impersonate the login account. The partner account is not authorized to impersonate the login account.
E00082 Country for {} is not valid. Country is not valid.
E00083 Bank payment method is not accepted for the selected business country. Bank payment method is not accepted for the selected business country.
E00084 Credit card payment method is not accepted for the selected business country. Credit card payment method is not accepted for the selected business country.
E00085 State for {} is not valid. State is not valid.
E00086 Merchant has declined authorization to resource. Merchant has declined authorization to resource.
E00087 No subscriptions found for the given request. There are no subscriptions available for the merchant account for the type of subscriptions requested.
E00088 ProfileIds cannot be sent when requesting CreateProfile. CreateProfile and profileIds are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be provided at a time.
E00089 Payment data is required when requesting CreateProfile. When requesting CreateProfile payment data cannot be null.
E00090 PaymentProfile cannot be sent with payment data. PaymentProfile and PaymentData are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be provided at a time.
E00091 PaymentProfileId cannot be sent with payment data. PaymentProfileId and payment data are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be provided at a time.
E00092 ShippingProfileId cannot be sent with ShipTo data. ShippingProfileId and ShipToAddress are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be provided at a time.
E00093 PaymentProfile cannot be sent with billing data. PaymentProfile and Billing information are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be provided at a time.
E00094 Paging Offset exceeds the maximum allowed value. Paging Offset exceeds allowed value. Check and lower the value.
E00095 ShippingProfileId is not provided within Customer Profile. When using Customer Profile with Credit Card Info to specify Shipping Profile, Shipping Profile Id must be included.
E00096 Finger Print value is not valid. Finger Print value is not valid.
E00097 Finger Print can’t be generated. Finger Print can’t be generated.
E00098 Customer Profile ID or Shipping Profile ID not found. Search for shipping profile using customer profile id and shipping profile id did not find any records.
E00099 Customer profile creation failed. This transaction ID is invalid. Customer profile creation failed. This transaction ID is invalid.
E00100 Customer profile creation failed. This transaction type does not support profile creation. Customer profile creation failed. This transaction type does not support profile creation.
E00101 Customer profile creation failed. Error creating a customer payment profile from transaction.
E00102 Customer Info is missing. Error creating a customer profile from transaction.
E00103 Customer profile creation failed. This payment method does not support profile creation. Customer profile creation failed. This payment method does not support profile creation.
E00104 Server in maintenance. Please try again later. The server is in maintenance, so the requested method is unavailable. Please try again later.
E00105 The specified payment profile is associated with an active or suspended subscription and cannot be deleted. The specified payment profile is associated with an active or suspended subscription and cannot be deleted.
E00106 The specified customer profile is associated with an active or suspended subscription and cannot be deleted. The specified customer profile is associated with an active or suspended subscription and cannot be deleted.
E00107 The specified shipping profile is associated with an active or suspended subscription and cannot be deleted. The specified shipping profile is associated with an active or suspended subscription and cannot be deleted.
E00108 CustomerProfileId cannot be sent with customer data. CustomerProfileId and Customer data are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be provided for any single request.
E00109 CustomerAddressId cannot be sent with shipTo data. Shipping Address ID and Shipping data are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be provided for any single request.
E00110 CustomerPaymentProfileId is not provided within Customer Profile. When using Customer Profile, CustomerPaymentProfileId must be included.
E00111 The original subscription was not created with this Customer Profile. If Customer Profile ID is included, it must match the Customer Profile ID used for the original subscription.
E00112 The specified month should not be in the future. Reports cannot be generated for future dates, thus the specified date is invalid.
E00113 Invalid OTS Token Data. The specified OTS Token Data is invalid.
E00114 Invalid OTS Token. The specified OTS Token is invalid.
E00115 Expired OTS Token. The specified OTS Token has expired.
E00116 OTS Token access violation The authenticated merchant does not have access to the specified OTS Token.
E00117 OTS Service Error ‘{}’ The OTS Service cannot complete the request due to a validation or configuration error.
E00118 The transaction has been declined. The transaction was submitted from a blocked IP address.
E00119 Payment information should not be sent to Hosted Payment Page request. Hosted Payment Page will capture the payment (bank/card) information so this information should not be included with this request.
E00120 Payment and Shipping Profile IDs cannot be specified when creating new profiles. Payment and Shipping Profile IDs cannot be specified when creating new profiles.
E00121 No default payment/shipping profile found. The customer profile does not have a default payment/shipping profile.
E00122 Please use Merchant Interface settings (API Credentials and Keys) to generate a signature key. Signature key missing.
E00123 The provided access token has expired The access token provided has expired. Applicable only to the Authorize.Net API when using OAuth as an authentication method. Access tokens expire after 10 minutes, and a new access token should be requested by the solution. See the OAuth documentation for details.
E00124 The provided access token is invalid The access token used to validate the request is insufficient to do so. Applicable only to the Authorize.Net API when using OAuth as an authentication method. See the OAuth documentation for details.
E00125 Hash doesn’t match Hash doesn’t match.
E00126 Failed shared key validation Failed shared key validation.
E00127 Invoice does not exist Invoice number did not find any records.
E00128 Requested action is not allowed Requested action is not allowed due to current status of the object.
E00129 Failed sending email Failed sending email.
E00130 Valid Customer Profile ID or Email is required Valid Customer Profile ID or Email is required
E00131 Invoice created but not processed completely Invoice created but failed send email and update status
E00132 Invoicing or CIM service is not enabled. The payment gateway account is not enabled for Invoicing or CIM service.
E00133 Server error. Server error
E00134 Due date is invalid Due date is past date or not specified.
E00135 Merchant has not provided processor information. Merchant has not yet provided processor information to set test mode flag to false.
E00136 Processor account is still in process, please try again later. Processor account has not been setup to set test mode flag to false.
E00137 Multiple payment types are not allowed. Only either CreditCard or Bank is allowed.
E00138 Payment and Shipping Profile IDs cannot be specified when requesting a hosted payment page. Payment and Shipping Profile IDs cannot be specified when requesting a hosted payment page.
E00139 Access denied. Access Token does not have correct permissions for this API. The Access token does not have permission to call the API method.
E00140 Reference Id not found Reference Id not found.
E00141 Payment Profile creation with this OpaqueData descriptor requires transactionMode to be set to liveMode. Payment Profile creation with this OpaqueData descriptor requires transactionMode to be set to liveMode.
E00142 RecurringBilling setting is a required field for recurring tokenized payment transactions. RecurringBilling setting is a required field for recurring tokenized payment transactions.
E00143 Failed to parse MerchantId to integer Failed to parse the MerchantId to integer
E00144 We are currently holding the last transaction for review. Before you reactivate the subscription, review the transaction. We are currently holding the last transaction for review. Before you reactivate the subscription, review the transaction.
E00145 This invoice has been canceled by the sender. Please contact the sender directly if you have questions. This invoice has been canceled by the sender. Please contact the sender directly if you have questions.
0 Unknown Error.
1 This transaction has been approved.
2 This transaction has been declined.
3 This transaction has been declined. A referral to a voice authorization center was received. Please call the appropriate number below for a voice authorization.

For American Express call: (800) 528-2121
For Diners Club call: (800) 525-9040
For Discover/Novus call: (800) 347-1111
For JCB call : (800) 522-9345
For Visa/Mastercard call: (800) 228-1122

Once an authorization is issued, you can then submit the transaction through your Virtual Terminal as a Capture Only transaction.

4 This transaction has been declined. The code returned from the processor indicating that the card used needs to be picked up.
5 A valid amount is required. The value submitted in the amount field did not pass validation for a number.
6 The credit card number is invalid.
7 Credit card expiration date is invalid. The format of the date submitted was incorrect.
8 The credit card has expired.
9 The ABA code is invalid The value submitted in the routingNumber field did not pass validation or was not for a valid financial institution.
10 The account number is invalid The value submitted in the accountNumber field did not pass validation.
11 A duplicate transaction has been submitted. The error message “Duplicate Transaction” indicates that a transaction request with the same information has been submitted within two minutes of a previous attempt. Authorize.Net looks for transactions which are likely to be duplicates by matching the data provided with the transaction.

The fields that are validated include:

API Login ID login
Credit Card Number cardNumber
Expiration Date expirationDate
Transaction Type transactionType
Bank Account Number accountNumber
Routing Number routingNumber
Purchase Order Number poNumber
Amount amount
Invoice Number invoiceNumber
Customer ID id
First Name firstName
Last Name lastName
Company company
Address address
City city
State state
Postal Code zip
Country country
Duplicate Window duplicateWindow

If any of the fields change from one transaction to the next, Authorize.Net will not view the transactions as duplicates.
The duplicate transaction window will always be two minutes for all transactions submitted through the Virtual Terminal. If you wish to adjust the duplicate transaction window for transactions submitted from your software, such as a website or shopping cart, you may do so by adding the field duplicateWindow to your website script.
If you are unable to adjust or add this variable to your shopping cart settings, please contact your shopping cart support team for additional assistance in this regard. The variable duplicateWindow tells us, in seconds, how much time we should check for duplicates after a transaction is submitted.
The largest value we will accept for duplicateWindow is 28800, which equals eight hours. If a value greater than 28800 sent, the payment gateway will default to 28800. If duplicateWindow is set to 0 or to a negative number, no duplicate transaction window will be enforced for your software’s transactions. If no value is sent, the default value of 120 (two minutes) would be used.
For example, if you wished to set a duplicate transaction window of five minutes (= 300 seconds) you would set duplicateWindow to 300.
Note: By submitting duplicateWindow with your online transactions, we will return further details along with this error response, including:

  • The original transaction ID that was duplicated;
  • AVS and CVV responses for the original transaction;
  • The original authorization code, if the transaction was authorized;
  • The MD5 hash, if a MD5 hash value was generated for the original transaction.

If you do not submit the duplicateWindow field, we will not return any details from the original transaction, even if you submit a duplicate transaction.

A transaction with identical amount and credit card information was submitted within the previous two minutes.
12 An authorization code is required but not present. The transaction request required the field authCode but either it was not submitted, or it was submitted without a value.
13 The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive. This error indicates you are either posting the incorrect API Login ID within your script, connecting to a server that does not recognize your account, or using an account which is inactive. Please follow these steps to ensure that your software is connecting correctly:

  • If you are posting your transaction requests to the gateway URLs and you are using an account given to you by an Authorize.Net Reseller or from Authorize.Net Sales, you may encounter this error. The gateway URLs mentioned above only work with specific test accounts, available upon request by completing the form at
  • Please check your script and verify you are posting the API Login ID for the account in question. If you are not posting the correct API Login ID, or if you are not sending an API Login ID, please edit the script and confirm that the field name is set to the API Login ID that you may obtain from the Authorize.Net Merchant Interface. Please see the Getting Started Guide at for instructions on obtaining the API Login ID.
  • If you are unable to log into your Authorize.Net Merchant Interface, this could indicate that your account is inactive. Please contact Merchant Support for assistance.
  • If the account is active and the API Login ID is correct, please use the Data Validation Tool to validate the fields you are passing to us.
14 The referrer, relay response or receipt link URL is invalid. The Invalid Referrer or Relay Response URL message can be the result of a few different situations that could impact SIM users.
SIM Integration Suggestions
Error 14 occurs for SIM users when one or more URLs are specified in your Default Response/Receipt URL settings, but we receive a URL with your transaction that does not match any listed here. In this case the transaction would include the field x_receipt_link_url if you prefer to view our receipt page but provide a link for the customer to use to return to your site. Alternately, the transaction would include the field x_relay_url to specify which web page on your server should be used as the receipt page your customers see.
By designating a Default Response/Receipt URL, you are telling our system to only return results to one of the listed URLs. If the value of either x_receipt_link_url or x_relay_url does not match one of these designated Default Response/Receipt URLs, Error 14 will occur.
While x_receipt_link_url and x_relay_url will work without specifying a Default Response/Receipt URL, it is strongly suggested that you set Default Response/Receipt URLs if you are sending either of these fields, to ensure that only these URLs can be used.
To add a valid Response/Receipt URL:

  • Login to your Merchant Interface at</a
  • Click Settings in the main left side menu
  • Click Response/Receipt URLs
  • Click Add URL
  • Enter your Response URL
  • Click Submit
Applicable only to SIM API. The Relay Response or Referrer URL does not match the merchant’s configured value(s) or is absent.
NOTE: Parameterized URLs are not permitted.”
15 The transaction ID is invalid or not present. The transaction ID value is non-numeric or was not present for a transaction that requires it (i.e., VOID, PRIOR_AUTH_CAPTURE, and CREDIT).
16 The transaction cannot be found. This error may be caused by a refund request if the referenced transaction ID (refTransId) was originally processed through a different Authorize.Net account than the one being used for the refund request. Please submit refund transactions using the gateway account that generated the original transaction.
The error could also indicate a setup problem with a particular card type. Please contact your Merchant Service Provider (MSP) to check on your payment processing setup and to confirm that there are no issues with the configuration for the card type being submitted in the transaction.
Your MSP is the company that manages your merchant account, which is used to receive funds from credit card companies during settlement. The MSP is also responsible for the processor setup which lets Authorize.Net indirectly access your merchant accounts.
The transaction ID sent in was properly formatted but the gateway had no record of the transaction.
17 The merchant does not accept this type of credit card. The merchant’s Authorize.Net Payment Gateway is not configured to accept this card type. The merchant should contact their Merchant Service Provider to request any needed merchant accounts for the card type, and to have the card type enabled on the processor. The merchant should then contact Merchant Support to enable the card type on their payment gateway account. If you encounter this error on an Authorize.Net Sandbox account, please contact Developer Support to enable this card type on your account.
18 ACH transactions are not accepted by this merchant. The merchant does not accept electronic checks.
19 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. This error message is displayed when there is a connection issue between Authorize.Net and the credit card processor. It results from Authorize.Net not receiving data in response to the transaction request we sent to the credit card processor. This type of issue is usually fixed quickly and we continue to work towards eliminating these types of connectivity issues. In some cases it may also be due to Internet congestion, and not related to either of our systems.
Repeated attempts to process a transaction during this connectivity breakdown may result in multiple authorizations to the credit card. To prevent this from happening, you can use the following test card:
Test Visa Card Number: 4012888818888
Expiration Date: 04/10
When a decline message appears for this card in Virtual Terminal, rather than the “Try again in 5 minutes” error message, this means the connectivity problem has been resolved and transactions can be processed again normally.
20 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. This error message is displayed when there is a connection issue between Authorize.Net and the credit card processor. It results from Authorize.Net not receiving data in response to the transaction request we sent to the credit card processor. This type of issue is usually fixed quickly and we continue to work towards eliminating these types of connectivity issues. In some cases it may also be due to Internet congestion, and not related to either of our systems.
Repeated attempts to process a transaction during this connectivity breakdown may result in multiple authorizations to the credit card. To prevent this from happening, you can use the following test card:
Test Visa Card Number: 4012888818888
Expiration Date: 04/10
When a decline message appears for this card in Virtual Terminal, rather than the “Try again in 5 minutes” error message, this means the connectivity problem has been resolved and transactions can be processed again normally.
21 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
22 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
23 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
24 The Elavon bank number or terminal ID is incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider.
25 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
26 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
27 The transaction has been declined because of an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder.
28 The merchant does not accept this type of credit card. The merchant’s processor platform is not configured to accept this card type. The merchant should contact their Merchant Service Provider to request any needed merchant accounts for the card type, and to have the card type enabled on the processor If you encounter this error on an Authorize.Net Sandbox account, please contact Developer Support for assistance.
29 The Paymentech identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider. Invalid Paymentech client number, merchant number or terminal number.
30 The configuration with processor is invalid. Call Merchant Service Provider.
31 The FDC Merchant ID or Terminal ID is incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider. The merchant was incorrectly set up at the processor.
32 The merchant password is invalid or not present.
33 %s cannot be left blank. The field is set as Required in the Merchant Interface but is not being submitted in the transaction request. Ensure that you are submitting the field, or set the field as not required.

To change the field value to not required:

  • Login to your Merchant Interface at</a
  • Click Settings in the main left side menu
  • Click Payment Form
  • Click Form Fields
  • Uncheck the field provided in the Error 33 text.
  • Click Submit
This error indicates that a field the merchant specified as required was not filled in.
34 The VITAL identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider. The merchant was incorrectly set up at the processor.
35 An error occurred during processing. Call Merchant Service Provider. The merchant was incorrectly set up at the processor.
36 The authorization was approved but settlement failed. The customer was approved at the time of authorization, but failed at settlement.
37 The credit card number is invalid.
38 The Global Payment System identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider. The merchant has invalid Global Payment System NDS numbers. The merchant was incorrectly set up at the processor.
39 The supplied currency code is either invalid, not supported, not allowed for this merchant or doesnt have an exchange rate. The supplied currency code is either invalid, not supported, not allowed for this merchant or doesn’t have an exchange rate.
There are two possible causes of this error:
1. This error may occur if you use the field currencyCode in your scripting, and you are setting it to a currency code other than what your account is set up for. Only one currency can be set for one account. At this time, Authorize.Net only supports the following currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, DKK, EUR, GBP, NOK, NZD, PLN, SEK, USD, ZAR.
2. This error may occur when an Authorize.Net account is created without a valid Currency ID. In this situation, processing transactions is not possible through the API or through the Virtual Terminal, regardless of the currency you choose.
40 This transaction must be encrypted. Insecure transaction.
41 This transaction has been declined. Only merchants set up for the FraudScreen.Net service would receive this decline. This code will be returned if a given transaction’s fraud score is higher than the threshold set by the merchant.
42 There is missing or invalid information in a required field. This is applicable only to merchants processing through the Wells Fargo SecureSource product who have requirements for transaction submission that are different from merchants not processing through Wells Fargo.
43 The merchant was incorrectly set up at the processor. Call Merchant Service Provider. The merchant has an invalid Terminal ID. The merchant was incorrectly set up at the processor.
44 This transaction has been declined. Regardless of the Card Code Verification filter settings configured for the payment gateway account in the Merchant Interface, the processor may decline transactions submitted with a card code value that does not match the card code on file for the cardholder at the issuing bank. To avoid unnecessary errors when processing live transactions, only valid card code values should be submitted in the card code field (cardCode). If the merchant does not wish to submit card code information, the card code field should not be submitted. The card code submitted with the transaction did not match the card code on file at the card issuing bank and the transaction was declined.
45 This transaction has been declined. This error would be returned if the transaction received a code from the processor that matched the rejection criteria set by the merchant for both the AVS and Card Code filters.
46 Your session has expired or does not exist. You must log in again to continue working.
47 The amount requested for settlement cannot be greater than the original amount authorized. This occurs if the merchant tries to capture funds greater than the amount of the original authorization-only transaction.
48 This processor does not accept partial reversals. The merchant attempted to settle for less than the originally authorized amount.
49 The transaction amount submitted was greater than the maximum amount allowed.
50 This transaction is awaiting settlement and cannot be refunded. Credits or refunds may only be performed against settled transactions. The transaction against which the credit/refund was submitted has not been settled, so a credit cannot be issued.
51 The sum of all credits against this transaction is greater than the original transaction amount.
52 The transaction was authorized but the client could not be notified; it will not be settled. When Authorize.Net is responding back to a script on your server, our system waits up to 10 seconds for a response. If we do not get a response in 10 seconds, our server will time out and display an error page. The first thing that you will need to look for is the order that your script executes. It is very important that something is printed to the screen before any other process is started. If your script prints to the screen first, we will recognize that you are receiving the information. The most effective method would be to print the headers, and a line of text such as “Processing, please wait.”
To resolve this issue:

  • Check that your script permissions are correct and that it can accept an HTTPS POST.
  • Check that the script is not completing other functions before writing to the screen, such as writing to a database or sending emails.
  • Please check to see if there are different processes that are used in your script for approvals, declines, or errors. Check each process to be sure that they will write to the screen before any other functions.
  • Check if your script is using redirects immediately upon receipt of the response from our servers. Redirects are discouraged because they can potentially interfere with the process.

On occasion, timeouts will occur that are outside of the control of your script or our servers. Typical reasons for these timeouts include Internet traffic, your server is overloaded or malfunctioning, or Internet routing issues. Depending upon your server location and what route is used to send data, it is possible that you may occasionally receive the message you are seeing.

53 The transaction type is invalid for ACH transactions. The transactionType value is not valid for ACH transactions. If payment type is bankAccount, transactionType cannot be set to captureOnlyTransaction.
54 The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit. The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a credit. It may be unsettled, an invalid type, the wrong currency, an invalid reference transaction ID or settled more than 120 days ago.
Consider applying for Expanded Credit-Return Capabilities if the merchant needs to refund transactions older than 120 days.
55 The sum of credits against the referenced transaction would exceed original debit amount. The transaction is rejected if the sum of this credit and prior credits exceeds the original debit amount.
56 Credit card transactions are not accepted by this merchant. The merchant processes eCheck.Net transactions only and does not accept credit cards.
57 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. This error is caused when a transaction is submitted with data that the credit card processor does not recognize or is unable to interpret. In most cases our system will prevent this from happening with front-end safeguards, but since every processor is unique in the way they handle data, some transactions could get through to the processor with invalid or missing data. Examples of these types of discrepancies include placing the incorrect number of characters in the Card Verification Value (Card Code), or sending non-alphanumeric characters in the Zip Code.
58 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
59 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
60 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
61 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
62 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
63 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. If you receive an Error 63 repeatedly, please check that the Merchant Business country is set correctly. This is especially pertinent on accounts which use TSYS (formerly Vital or Visanet) as the payment processor, as we have to transmit a number of the Business Information fields on each Transaction attempt. TSYS/Vital/Visanet transactions will fail if all the information is not set correctly.
To update the Business Information details for your account:

  • Login to the Merchant Interface at
  • Click Merchant Profile in the main left side menu
  • Click Edit Business Information
  • Update your Address, Phone Number, Fax Number, Products/Services Description, Web Site Address, and Shopping Cart Solution as necessary.
  • Click Submit
  • Click Continue to return to the Merchant Profile page.

If the Merchant Profile has your correct address-including the country-then you may need to contact your Merchant Service Provider to confirm that TSYS/Vital/Visanet has the correct address for validation.

64 The referenced transaction was not approved. This error is applicable to Wells Fargo SecureSource merchants only. Credits or refunds cannot be issued against transactions that were not authorized.
65 This transaction has been declined. The transaction was declined because the merchant configured their account through the Merchant Interface to reject transactions with certain values for a Card Code mismatch.
66 This transaction cannot be accepted for processing. Transaction was submitted using HTTP GET which does not meet payment gateway security guidelines. If you are using the SIM connection method, make sure your code is providing values for the SIM required fields listed below:

    • The sequence number of the transaction (x_fp_sequence)
    • The time when the sequence number was generated (x_fp_timestamp)
    • The Fingerprint Hash (x_fp_hash)

67 The given transaction type is not supported for this merchant. This error code is applicable to merchants using the Wells Fargo SecureSource product only. This product does not allow transactions of type CAPTURE_ONLY.
68 The version parameter is invalid The value submitted in x_version was invalid.
69 The transaction type is invalid The value submitted in transactionType was invalid.
70 The transaction method is invalid. The value submitted in x_method was invalid.
71 The bank account type is invalid. The value submitted in accountType was invalid.
72 The authorization code is invalid. The value submitted in authCode was more than six characters in length.
73 The drivers license date of birth is invalid. The format of the value submitted in x_drivers_license_num was invalid.
74 The duty amount is invalid. The value submitted in duty failed format validation.
75 The freight amount is invalid. The value submitted in freight failed format validation.
76 The tax amount is invalid. The value submitted in tax failed format validation.
77 The SSN or tax ID is invalid. The value submitted in x_customer_tax_id failed validation.
78 The card code is invalid. The value submitted in cardCode failed format validation.
79 The drivers license number is invalid. The value submitted in x_drivers_license_num failed format validation.
80 The drivers license state is invalid. The value submitted in x_drivers_license_state failed format validation.
81 The requested form type is invalid. Invalid value for x_show_form. The merchant requested an integration method not compatible with the AIM API.
82 Scripts are only supported in version 2.5. The system no longer supports version 2.5; requests cannot be posted to scripts.
83 The requested script is either invalid or no longer supported. The system no longer supports version 2.5; requests cannot be posted to scripts.
84 The device type is invalid or missing. deviceType is either missing or invalid. deviceType is required when the retail element is submitted. Invalid value for deviceType.
85 The market type is invalid marketType is either missing or invalid. marketType is required when the retail element is submitted. Invalid value for marketType.
86 The Response Format is invalid Invalid value for x_response_format.
87 Transactions of this market type cannot be processed on this system. This can happen for four reasons:
1) You are attempting to process a type of transaction that your account is not designed for. An example would be using a card swipe machine to process transactions on an e-commerce or mail order/telephone order (MOTO) account.
2) You are passing an incorrect value for “marketType” parameter. For a merchant account processing “retail” type transactions, you would want to pass a value of “2”. The possible values for the “marketType” parameter can be found in our API Reference Guide.
3) Your Merchant Service Provider may be incorrectly setup for this account.
4) Your account may be configured incorrectly with an incorrect Merchant Service Provider or an incorrect MCC or SIC code.
88 Track1 data is not in a valid format. Invalid value for track1.
89 Track2 data is not in a valid format. Invalid value for track2.
90 ACH transactions cannot be accepted by this system. ACH transactions cannot be processed using a card present account.
91 Version 2.5 is no longer supported.
92 The gateway no longer supports the requested method of integration. This error can occur for several possible reasons, depending on which method your software uses to connect to your Authorize.Net account. Usually it is due to mixing methods in unsupported ways.
Advanced Integration Method (AIM) Suggestions:
1. When using AIM to integrate with Authorize.Net, the HTTP POST request must be made from a script located in a secure location on your server, and not through an HTML page. Submitting an AIM request from an unsecured HTML page may cause this error.
2. Be sure that your account settings allow delimited responses.
To check your settings:

  • Login to the Merchant Interface at
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Direct Response
  • Change Delimited Response to “True”

3. Confirm that you are sending us the field x_delim_data, and that it is set to TRUE.
4. Also confirm that you are sending the field, x_relay_response, set to FALSE. Otherwise, we will attempt to use any default Relay Response or receipt links listed in your Response/Receipt URL settings in the Merchant Interface, which causes this error.
Simple Integration Method (SIM) Suggestions:
1. You will receive this error if there are variables being sent that are not applicable to SIM. Two of the variables that are most commonly incorrect include:
x_adc_relay_response – the variable name should be sent as x_relay_response
x_adc_relay_url – the variable name should be sent as x_relay_url.
2. You will receive this error if the proper fingerprint hash variables are not being sent with the transaction request. The variables that need to be included (with appropriate values):
x_fp_hash< x_fp_sequence x_fp_timestamp
These variables are used in creating and then passing the fingerprint hash with the transaction request. Authorize.Net then uses the passed variables and the stored transaction key to attempt to create the same fingerprint hash. If the two fingerprints match, we accept the transaction. If not, the transaction request is refused.
We highly recommend that you upgrade your connection method.
Please visit our Developer Center for up-to-date documentation.

93 A valid country is required. This code is applicable to Wells Fargo SecureSource merchants only. Country is a required field and must contain the value of a supported country.
94 The shipping state or country is invalid. This code is applicable to Wells Fargo SecureSource merchants only.
95 A valid state is required. This code is applicable to Wells Fargo SecureSource merchants only.
96 This country is not authorized for buyers. This code is applicable to Wells Fargo SecureSource merchants only. Country is a required field and must contain the value of a supported country.
97 This transaction cannot be accepted. Please use the Response Code 97 Tool Applicable only to the SIM API. Fingerprints are only valid for a short period of time. This code indicates that the transaction fingerprint has expired.
98 This transaction cannot be accepted. Part of the security feature for SIM (Server Integration Method) includes the generation of a fingerprint hash. The fingerprint hash is generated by a function in the scripting that uses five parameters to generate the fingerprint hash.

  • The amount of the transaction;
  • A sequence number—usually an invoice number generated by your scripting, but can be randomly generated as long as it doesn't repeat;
  • Your server's timestamp, expressed in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC);
  • Your account's Transaction Key; and
  • Your account's API Login ID.

Any fingerprint hash can only be used once in 24 hours.

If a customer fills in incorrect information and the transaction is declined, they cannot click Back and re-enter the information as this will attempt to use the same fingerprint hash in resubmitting the transaction request, which will result in error 98.

The customer must be directed back to the page that sets the amount of the transaction request, then re-enter information from that point on.

Applicable only to the SIM API. The transaction fingerprint has already been used.
99 This transaction cannot be accepted. Please use the Response Code 99 Tool. Applicable only to the SIM API. The server-generated fingerprint does not match the merchant-specified fingerprint in the x_fp_hash field.
100 The eCheck type parameter is invalid. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The value specified in the echeckType field is invalid.
101 The given name on the account and/or the account type does not match the actual account. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The specified name on the account and/or the account type do not match the NOC record for this account.
102 This request cannot be accepted. NOTE: This response is valid only for an integration method that has been sunset and is no longer available. If you encounter this error, please contact Merchant Support for assistance.

If you are receiving this error, it indicates that either x_password or x_tran_key is being submitted with your WebLink request. This represents a security risk as the password or transaction key could be viewed in your source code.

We highly recommend that you upgrade your connection method.

Please visit our Developer Center for up-to-date documentation.

A transaction key was submitted with this WebLink request.
103 This transaction cannot be accepted. This error is generated when your account is in "Password-Required Mode" and you are not sending a valid password, transaction key or hash fingerprint with your transaction request, which is a recommended security measure.
Please consider the following details when encountering this error:

  • If you are using SIM, make sure you are using a valid transaction key to generate and send a fingerprint hash to us along with your transaction request.
  • If you are using AIM please make sure you are posting the gateway defined field transactionKey.
  • If you are using a third party shopping cart which uses AIM and are receiving this error, please check with your shopping cart provider to ask if your application can pass the transaction key to the Authorize.Net payment gateway.
  • If you are using an older Authorize.Net account and you submit a password instead of a transaction key with your transactions, you may experience this error. Please ensure that you are posting a transaction key instead.
  • Some shopping carts, for backwards compatibility with older connection methods, may provide the means to submit both a transaction key and a password. You should not use both the transaction key and the password simultaneously; doing so may also result in this error. We recommend using the transaction key instead of the password whenever possible, as transaction keys tend to be more secure than passwords. In such a situation, please leave the password field blankIf the shopping cart has a field for the password but no field for the transaction key, please put the transaction key in the password field. Our system will recognize and validate the transaction key properly.
    Also, while most shopping cart software will have a field for the transaction key, password, or both, some software may not. Please contact your shopping cart provider for details on how to upgrade to a more secure version of your shopping cart software.
104 The transaction is currently under review. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The value submitted for country failed validation.
105 The transaction is currently under review. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The values submitted for city and country failed validation.
106 The transaction is currently under review. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The value submitted for company failed validation.
107 The transaction is currently under review. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The value submitted for accountName failed validation.
108 The transaction is currently under review. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The values submitted for firstName and lastName failed validation.
109 The transaction is currently under review. Applicable only to eCheck.Net. The values submitted for firstName and lastName failed validation.
110 The transaction is currently under review. The value submitted for accountName does not contain valid characters.
111 A valid billing country is required. This code is applicable to Wells Fargo SecureSource merchants only.
112 A valid billing state/province is required. This code is applicable to Wells Fargo SecureSource merchants only.
113 The commercial card type is invalid.
114 The merchant account is in test mode. This automated payment will not be processed. The merchant account is in test mode. All automated payments are skipped when in test mode.
115 The merchant account is not active. This automated payment will not be processed. The merchant account is not active. All automated payments are skipped when an account is not active.
116 The authentication indicator is invalid. This code is applicable only to merchants that include the authenticationIndicator in the transaction request. The ECI value for a Visa transaction; or the UCAF indicator for a Mastercard transaction submitted in the authenticationIndicator field is invalid.
117 The cardholder authentication value is invalid. First, verify that the merchant's processor supports Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode authentication values through Authorize.Net.

  • Chase Paymentech
  • FDMS Nashville (formerly FDC)
  • Global Payments (GPS)
  • TSYS (formerly Vital)
  • Wells Fargo (Verified by Visa only)

Also, this error can be received in the event that a special character is included in the cardholder authentication value. To resolve this issue, the special character must be URL encoded.

This code is applicable only to merchants that include the cardholderAuthenticationValue in the transaction request. The CAVV for a Visa transaction or the AVV/UCAF for a Mastercard transaction is invalid or contains an invalid character.
118 The combination of card type, authentication indicator and cardholder authentication value is invalid. For example, when the Mastercard value for authenticationIndicator is 1, cardholderAuthenticationValue must be null. In this scenario, if a value is submitted for cardholderAuthenticationValue, the transaction fails validation and is rejected.

Also, verify that the merchant's processor supports Verified by Visa and Mastercard SecureCode authentication values through Authorize.Net.

  • Chase Paymentech
  • FDMS Nashville (formerly FDC)
  • Global Payments (GPS)
  • TSYS (formerly Vital)
This code is applicable only to merchants that include the authenticationIndicator and cardholderAuthenticationValue in the transaction request. The combination of authenticationIndicator and cardholderAuthenticationValue is invalid.
119 Transactions having cardholder authentication values cannot be marked as recurring. Transactions that have Verified by Visa type of input parameters cannot be recurring. This code is applicable only to merchants that include the authenticationIndicator and recurringBilling in the transaction request. Transactions submitted with a value in authenticationIndicator while recurringBilling is set to true will be rejected.
120 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. The system-generated void for the original timed-out transaction failed. The original transaction timed out while waiting for a response from the authorizer.
121 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. The system-generated void for the original errored transaction failed. The original transaction experienced a database error.
122 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. The system-generated void for the original errored transaction failed. The original transaction experienced a processing error.
123 This account has not been given the permission(s) required for this request. This error indicates that a user's personal Login ID is being used to connect a website or billing software to the payment gateway. Personal login IDs may not be used to connect websites to Authorize.Net, for security reasons. For example, if an Account Owner, Account Administrator, Transaction Manager, or Account Analyst login ID is used for website or software implementation, this error will occur.
To resolve this issue, the API Login ID and Transaction Key will need to be generated and added to your software's configuration, so that the website or software may connect to Authorize.Net properly.
To obtain the API Login ID:

  • Log into the Merchant Interface at
  • Click Settings in the main left side menu
  • Click API Login and Transaction Key
  • If an API login ID has already been generated, it will be visible here. If an API Login ID needs to be generated, you will want to enter the answer to your Secret Question in order to see the API Login ID.
The transaction request must include the API login ID associated with the payment gateway account.
124 This processor does not accept recurring transactions.
125 The surcharge amount is invalid.
126 The Tip amount is invalid.
127 The transaction resulted in an AVS mismatch. The address provided does not match billing address of cardholder. When merchants on the FDC Omaha platform encounter a decline due to AVS or CVV mismatch, we will attempt to void the transaction. If FDC Omaha does not reply to the void request, the merchant will see this error. As we did not receive a reply to the void request, there is a possibility that the original authorization will remain on the card for up to 30 days. If necessary, merchants may contact the card issuing bank, provide their merchant account number and the authorization code for the AVS/CVV declined transaction, and request a manual reversal of the authorization. The system-generated void for the original AVS-rejected transaction failed.
128 This transaction cannot be processed. The customer's financial institution does not currently allow transactions for this account.
130 This merchant account has been closed. The payment gateway account status is Blacklisted.
131 This transaction cannot be accepted at this time. The payment gateway account status is Suspended-STA.
132 This transaction cannot be accepted at this time. The payment gateway account status is Suspended - Blacklist.
141 This transaction has been declined. The system-generated void for the original FraudScreen-rejected transaction failed.
145 This transaction has been declined. The system-generated void for the original card code-rejected and AVS-rejected transaction failed.
152 The transaction was authorized but the client could not be notified; it will not be settled. The system-generated void for the original transaction failed. The response for the original transaction could not be communicated to the client.
153 There was an error processing the payment data.
  • Set marketType to "0" to flag the transaction as e-commerce.
  • Set transactionType to authCaptureTransaction or authOnlyTransaction.
  • Specify both opaque data parameters.
  • Do not include card number, expiration date, or track data.
  • Do not include 3DS data.
  • Ensure that you submit data that can be successfully decrypted.
  • Only submit decrypted data that belongs to the merchant submitting the request.
  • Encode the submitted data in Base64.


154 Processing Apple Payments is not enabled for this merchant account.
155 This processor does not support this method of submitting payment data.
156 The cryptogram is either invalid or cannot be used in combination with other parameters.
165 This transaction has been declined. System void failed. CVV2 Code mismatch based on the CVV response and the merchant settings.
170 An error occurred during processing. Please contact the merchant. Concord EFS - Provisioning at the processor has not been completed.
171 An error occurred during processing. Please contact the merchant. Concord EFS - This request is invalid.
172 An error occurred during processing. Please contact the merchant. Concord EFS - The store ID is invalid.
173 An error occurred during processing. Please contact the merchant. Concord EFS - The store key is invalid.
174 The transaction type is invalid. Please contact the merchant. Concord EFS - This transaction type is not accepted by the processor.
175 This processor does not allow voiding of credits. Concord EFS - This transaction is not allowed. The Concord EFS processing platform does not support voiding credit transactions. Please debit the credit card instead of voiding the credit.
180 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. There are three different reasons that an Error 180 might occur:

  1. There was an attempt to void a refund on a processor that does not allow that.
  2. A merchant on the Concord EFS platform is attempting to pass AMEX CID, when they are not signed up to validate this value with AMEX.
  3. Transactions submitted from test credit card numbers (both ours and others') by merchants on the TSYS payment processing platform, will return a response of: "(180) An error occurred during processing. Please try again. Invalid processor response format," rather than "(2) Declined. This transaction has been declined."

Note that the TSYS payment processing platform was formerly known as Vital or Visanet. On TSYS/Vital/Visanet, Error 180 is an valid response indicating that a transaction was submitted and correctly received, but rejected due to using a test card number. If the processor is incorrectly configured, the response will be something more generic like a response of 30, 34, or 35.

The processor response format is invalid.
181 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. The system-generated void for the original invalid transaction failed. (The original transaction included an invalid processor response format.)"
182 One or more of the sub-merchant values are invalid.
183 One or more of the required sub-merchant values are missing.
184 Invalid Token Requestor Name.
185 This transaction cannot be processed. Merchant is not configured for VPOS.
186 Invalid Token Requestor ID Length.
187 Invalid Token Requestor ECI Length.
191 This transaction has been declined.
192 An error occurred during processing. Please try again.
193 The transaction is currently under review.
195 One or more of the HTML type configuration fields do not appear to be safe.
200 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The credit card number is invalid.
201 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The expiration date is invalid.
202 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The transaction type is invalid.
203 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The value submitted in the amount field is invalid.
204 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The department code is invalid.
205 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The value submitted in the merchant number field is invalid.
206 This transaction has been declined. This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The merchant is not on file.
207 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The merchant account is closed.
208 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The merchant is not on file.
209 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. Communication with the processor could not be established.
210 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The merchant type is incorrect.
211 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The cardholder is not on file.
212 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The bank configuration is not on file.
213 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The merchant assessment code is incorrect.
214 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. This function is currently unavailable.
215 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The encrypted PIN field format is invalid.
216 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The ATM term ID is invalid.
217 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. This transaction experienced a general message format problem.
218 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The PIN block format or PIN availability value is invalid.
219 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The ETC void is unmatched.
220 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The primary CPU is not available.
221 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. The SE number is invalid.
222 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. Duplicate auth request (from INAS).
223 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. This transaction experienced an unspecified error.
224 This transaction has been declined This error code applies only to merchants on FDC Omaha. Please re-enter the transaction.
225 This transaction cannot be processed. The transaction has an invalid dynamic currency conversion (DCC) action.
226 This transaction cannot be processed. Incomplete set of Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) parameters.
227 This transaction cannot be processed. Merchant is not configured for Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
228 This transaction cannot be processed. Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is not allowed for this transaction type.
229 Conversion rate for this card is available.
230 This transaction cannot be processed. Transaction could not be found.
231 This transaction cannot be processed. Incoming data is different than the referenced Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) transaction.
232 This transaction cannot be processed. Merchant is not configured for Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
233 This transaction cannot be processed. Cannot perform Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) action on this transaction.
234 This transaction cannot be processed. This transaction has been voided.
235 This transaction cannot be processed. This transaction has been captured previously.
236 This transaction cannot be processed. Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) data for the referenced transaction is not available.
237 This transaction cannot be processed. The referenced transaction has expired.
238 This transaction cannot be processed. The transaction version does not support Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
239 This transaction cannot be processed. The response format for this transaction does not support Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
240 This transaction cannot be processed. Currency for Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) transactions must be US dollars.
241 This transaction cannot be processed. Invalid response from card processor.
242 This transaction cannot be processed. Recurring billing flag not allowed on Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC).
243 Recurring billing is not allowed for this eCheck.Net type. The combination of values submitted for recurringBilling and echeckType is not allowed.
244 This eCheck.Net type is not allowed for this Bank Account Type. The combination of values submitted for accountType and echeckType is not allowed.
245 This eCheck.Net type is not allowed when using the payment gateway hosted payment form. The value submitted for echeckType is not allowed when using the payment gateway hosted payment form.
246 This eCheck.Net type is not allowed. This error also occurs if you submit a check number for your WEB, TEL, CCD, or PPD eCheck.Net transaction. Check numbers are only valid for ARC and BOC eCheck.Net transactions. See the eCheck.Net User Guide for details on eCheck.Net transaction types and requirements. The merchant's payment gateway account is not enabled to submit the eCheck.Net type.
247 This eCheck.Net type is not allowed. The combination of values submitted for transactionType and echeckType is not allowed.
248 The check number is invalid. Invalid check number. Check numbers can only consist of letters and numbers, up to 15 characters.
250 This transaction has been declined. This transaction was submitted from a blocked IP address.
251 This transaction has been declined. This transaction was submitted from a blocked IP address. The transaction was declined as a result of triggering a Fraud Detection Suite filter.
252 Your order has been received. Thank you for your business! The transaction was accepted, but is being held for merchant review. The merchant may customize the customer response in the Merchant Interface.
253 Your order has been received. Thank you for your business! The transaction was accepted and was authorized, but is being held for merchant review. The merchant may customize the customer response in the Merchant Interface.
254 This transaction has been declined. The transaction was declined after manual review.
260 Reversal not supported for this transaction type. Only authorizations and credits can be reversed.
261 An error occurred during processing. Please try again. The transaction experienced an error during sensitive data encryption and was not processed. Please try again.
262 The PayformMask is invalid.
265 This transaction cannot be processed. The transaction was submitted with an invalid Solution ID. For details on how to register and submit a Solution ID, please see The Solution ID Implementation Guide.
270 Line item %1 is invalid. A value submitted in lineItem for the item referenced is invalid.
271 The number of line items submitted is not allowed. A maximum of %1 line items can be submitted. The number of line items submitted in lineItem exceeds the allowed maximum of 30.
280 The auction platform name is invalid.
281 The auction platform ID is invalid.
282 The auction listing type is invalid.
283 The auction listing ID is invalid.
284 The auction seller ID is invalid.
285 The auction buyer ID is invalid.
286 One or more required auction values were not submitted.
287 The combination of auction platform ID and auction platform name is invalid.
288 This transaction cannot be accepted.
289 This processor does not accept zero dollar authorization for this card type.
290 There is one or more missing or invalid required fields.
295 The amount of this request was only partially approved on the given prepaid card. An additional payment is required to fulfill the balance of this transaction.
296 The specified SplitTenderID is invalid.
297 Transaction ID and Split Tender ID cannot both be used in the same request.
298 This order has already been released or voided therefore new transaction associations cannot be accepted.
300 The device ID is invalid. Invalid deviceId value.
301 The device batch ID is invalid. Invalid batchId value.
302 The reversal flag is invalid. Invalid x_reversal value.
303 The device batch is full. Please close the batch. The current device batch must be closed manually from the POS device.
304 The original transaction is in a closed batch. The original transaction has been settled and cannot be reversed.
305 The merchant is configured for auto-close. This merchant is configured for auto-close and cannot manually close batches.
306 The batch is already closed.
307 The reversal was processed successfully.
308 Original transaction for reversal not found. The transaction submitted for reversal was not found.
309 The device has been disabled.
310 This transaction has already been voided.
311 This transaction has already been captured.
312 The specified security code was invalid. The SIM hosted payment form features a Security Code option (sometimes called CAPTCHA) used to confirm that the payment is being entered by a human being. This feature helps protect your site from automated scripts that may try to test credit card numbers through the payment form.

The Security Code works by generating an image that contains random numbers and letters that cannot be read by scripts. The customer is then prompted to enter the letters and numbers exactly as they appear in the image. If the customer enters the correct Security Code, the transaction is accepted as valid.

Error 312 indicates that the customer had entered the wrong Security Code. Should this error occur, a new Security Code is generated, and the customer is prompted to try again until they are successful.

To turn off the Security Code option:

  • Login into the Merchant Interface at
  • Click Account from the main toolbar.
  • Click Settings in the main left side menu.
  • Click Payment Form.
  • Click Form Fields.
  • Deselect the box labeled "Require the Security Code feature on the Payment Form."
  • Click Submit to save the settings.

Note: When using Simple Checkout, the customer is always required to verify a Security Code. Even if the Security Code is disabled from the payment form, the customer is required to verify a Security Code on the Simple Checkout order page.

313 A new security code was requested. The SIM hosted payment form features a Security Code option (sometimes called CAPTCHA) used to confirm that the payment is being entered by a human being. This feature helps protect your site from automated scripts that may try to test credit card numbers through the payment form.

The Security Code works by generating an image that contains random numbers and letters that cannot be read by scripts. The customer is then prompted to enter the letters and numbers exactly as they appear in the image. If the customer enters the correct Security Code, the transaction is accepted as valid.

If they enter an incorrect value, the customer is prompted to try again until they are successful.

To turn off the Security Code option:

  • Log into the Merchant Interface at
  • Click Account from the main toolbar.
  • Click Settings in the main left side menu.
  • Click Payment Form.
  • Click Form Fields.
  • Deselect the box labeled "Require the Security Code feature on the Payment Form."
  • Click Submit to save the settings.

Note: When using Simple Checkout, the customer is always required to verify a Security Code. Even if the Security Code is disabled from the payment form, the customer is required to verify a Security Code on the Simple Checkout order page.

314 This transaction cannot be processed.
315 The credit card number is invalid. This is a processor-issued decline.
316 Credit card expiration date is invalid. This is a processor-issued decline.
317 The credit card has expired. This is a processor-issued decline.
318 A duplicate transaction has been submitted. This is a processor-issued decline.
319 The transaction cannot be found. This is a processor-issued decline.
320 The device identifier is either not registered or not enabled.
325 The request data did not pass the required fields check for this application. The request is missing one or more required fields. Merchants processing transactions via one of the following processors (AIBMS UK, Barclays, Cardnet, HBOS, HSBC, Streamline, FdiAus and Westpac) are required to submit the following billing information fields:

  • First Name (firstName)
  • Last Name (lastName)
  • Address (address)
  • City (city)
  • State (state)
  • Postal Code
  • Country (country)
  • Email Address (email)

NOTE: State and Postal Code are optional if the billing address is not in the U.S. or Canada. If the address is in the U.S. or Canada, the two-digit State/Province code must be provided, along with the Zip/Postal Code."

326 The request field(s) are either invalid or missing.
327 The void request failed. Either the original transaction type does not support void, or the transaction is in the process of being settled.
328 A validation error occurred at the processor.
330 transactions are not accepted by this merchant.
331 The x_call_id value is missing. The x_call_id value is missing.
332 The x_call_id value is not found or invalid. The x_call_id value is not found or invalid.
333 A validation error was returned from
334 The transaction is in an invalid state.
339 Use x_method to specify method or send only x_call_id or card/account information. Use x_method to specify method or send only x_call_id or card information.
340 by Visa does not support voids on captured or credit transactions. Please allow the transaction to settle, then process a refund for the captured transaction.
341 The x_discount value is invalid. The x_discount value is invalid.
342 The x_giftwrap value is invalid. The x_giftwrap value is invalid.
343 The x_subtotal value is invalid. The x_subtotal value is invalid.
344 The x_misc value is invalid. The x_misc value is invalid.
350 Country must be a valid two or three-character value if specified.
351 Employee ID must be 1 to %x characters in length.
355 An error occurred while parsing the EMV data.
356 EMV-based transactions are not currently supported for this processor and card type.
357 Opaque Descriptor is required.
358 EMV data is not supported with this transaction type.
359 EMV data is not supported with this market type.
360 An error occurred while decrypting the EMV data.
361 The EMV version is invalid.
362 The EMV version is required.
363 The POS Entry Mode value is invalid.
370 Signature data is too large.
371 Signature must be PNG formatted data.
375 Terminal/lane number must be numeric.
380 KSN is duplicated.
901 This transaction cannot be accepted at this time due to system maintenance. Please try again later.
2000 Need payer consent. The value of the secureAcceptanceURL field, provided in Authorization Only or Authorization and Capture service calls, is required for the follow-on calls such as Authorization Only, Continued and Authorization and Capture, Continued.
2001 PayPal transactions are not accepted by this merchant.
2002 PayPal transactions require x_version of at least 3.1. PayPal transactions require that the field x_version be set to 3.1
2003 Request completed successfully
2004 Success URL is required. PayPal transactions require valid URL for success_url
2005 Cancel URL is required. PayPal transactions require valid URL for cancel_url
2006 Payer ID is required.
2007 This processor does not accept zero dollar authorizations.
2008 The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a Continued Authorization.
2009 The referenced transaction does not meet the criteria for issuing a Continued Authorization w/ Auto Capture.
2100 PayPal transactions require valid URL for success_url PayPal transactions require valid URL for success_url
2101 PayPal transactions require valid URL for cancel_url PayPal transactions require valid URL for cancel_url
2102 Payment not authorized. Payment has not been authorized by the user.
2103 This transaction has already been authorized.
2104 The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts. Be sure the total of the payment detail item parameters add up to the order total.
2105 PayPal has rejected the transaction.Invalid Payer ID.
2106 PayPal has already captured this transaction.
2107 PayPal has rejected the transaction. This Payer ID belongs to a different customer.
2108 PayPal has rejected the transaction. x_paypal_hdrimg exceeds maximum allowable length. The field x_paypal_hdrimg exceeds maximum allowable length.
2109 PayPal has rejected the transaction. x_paypal_payflowcolor must be a 6 character hexadecimal value. The field x_paypal_payflowcolor must be a 6 character hexadecimal value.