Merlin Entertainments salary estimate


$18.27 hourly rate

Entry-level salary
$18,000 yearly salary
Updated April 25, 2024

How much does Merlin Entertainments pay?

The average Merlin Entertainments salary in the United States is $38,006 per year. Merlin Entertainments salaries range between $18,000 a year in the bottom 10th percentile to $76,000 in the top 90th percentile. Merlin Entertainments pays $18.27 an hour on average. Geographic location also impacts Merlin Entertainments salaries. Merlin Entertainments employees in New York, NY get paid the most.

Highest paying jobs at Merlin Entertainments

The highest paying jobs at Merlin Entertainments are human resources vice president, marketing manager, senior sales account executive, and director of human resources. Human resources vice president jobs at Merlin Entertainments earn an average yearly salary of $183,001, Merlin Entertainments marketing manager jobs average $92,960, and Merlin Entertainments senior sales account executive jobs average $86,057.

The lowest paying Merlin Entertainments roles include busser and food and beverage attendant. Merlin Entertainments busser average salary is $24,175 per year. So while the average Merlin Entertainments salary is $38,006 there is a big variation in pay depending on the role.

Highest paying jobs at Merlin Entertainments

RankJob TitleAverage Merlin Entertainments SalaryHourly Rate
1Human Resources Vice President$183,001$87.98
2Marketing Manager$92,960$44.69
3Senior Sales Account Executive$86,057$41.37
4Director Of Human Resources$80,859$38.87
5Development Director$76,814$36.93
6Project Manager$74,902$36.01
7Control Specialist$54,614$26.26
9Model Builder$50,863$24.45
10Head Operator$44,503$21.40
11Group Coordinator$40,633$19.54
12Job Trainer$40,337$19.39
13Accounts Payable Clerk$38,983$18.74
14Food And Beverage Supervisor$38,663$18.59
15Help Desk Analyst$38,158$18.35
16Team Leader$37,908$18.23
17Admissions Coordinator$37,757$18.15
19Marketing Assistant$37,604$18.08
20Accounts Receivable Clerk$37,594$18.07

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How much does Merlin Entertainments pay by location?

The average Merlin Entertainments salary varies by location. Merlin Entertainments salaries are the highest in New York, NY, at $46,415 per year. Merlin Entertainments pays the second highest average salary in Carlsbad, CA, at $43,056 per year. It's important to factor in the cost of living when negotiating a salary or choosing a place to work.

Highest Paying Merlin Entertainments Locations

RankLocationAverage Merlin Entertainments SalaryHourly Rate
1New York, NY$46,415$22.31
2Carlsbad, CA$43,056$20.70
3Auburn Hills, MI$38,493$18.51
4Schaumburg, IL$37,769$18.16
5Grapevine, TX$35,164$16.91
6Lake Wales, FL$33,352$16.03
7Goshen, AL$31,959$15.36

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Merlin Entertainments salaries by department

Salaries at Merlin Entertainments vary depending on the department you work in. Merlin Entertainments salaries in the human resources department are the highest with an average salary of $71,013. Employees in the it department at Merlin Entertainments receive relatively high salaries as well, with an average salary of $62,766 per year. Departments that don't pay as well at Merlin Entertainments include the hospitality/service and the facilities organizational functions, with employees earning average salaries of $29,804 and $30,024, respectively.

Average Merlin Entertainments salary by department

RankDepartmentAverage Merlin Entertainments SalaryHourly Rate
1Human Resources$71,013$34.14
3Business Development$61,005$29.33
13Customer Service$30,704$14.76

How much does Merlin Entertainments pay by department?

Best paying Merlin Entertainments customer service salaries

RankPositionAverage Merlin Entertainments SalaryHourly Rate
1Help Desk Analyst$38,158$18.35
2Customer Service Representative$31,891$15.33
3Call Center Representative$30,234$14.54
4Customer Service Agent$29,398$14.13
5Call Center Associate$28,699$13.80

Best paying Merlin Entertainments hospitality/service salaries

RankPositionAverage Merlin Entertainments SalaryHourly Rate
1Food And Beverage Manager$53,057$25.51
2Help Desk Analyst$38,158$18.35
3Service Desk Analyst$37,393$17.98
5Tour Guide$31,281$15.04
7Theater Usher$29,122$14.00
9Event Host$27,920$13.42
10Attractions Host$27,481$13.21
12Guest Services$26,853$12.91
13Food And Beverage Attendant$25,655$12.33

Best paying Merlin Entertainments retail salaries

RankPositionAverage Merlin Entertainments SalaryHourly Rate
1General Manager$54,708$26.30
2Team Leader$37,908$18.23
3Manager On Duty$34,694$16.68
4Associate Retailer$28,019$13.47

Merlin Entertainments competitors’ average salaries

Average salaries at Merlin Entertainments competitors, like Cactus, International Business-Government Counsellors, and Stage Door, vary. Cactus employees earn the highest salaries, with an average yearly salary of $50,980. The average salary at International Business-Government Counsellors is $50,538 per year, and the average salary at Stage Door is $50,181 per year.

Highest paying Merlin Entertainments competitors

RankCompany NameZippia ScoreAverage Salary
2International Business-Government Counsellors3.7$50,538
3Stage Door3.8$50,181
5MGM International Television Distribution Inc3.8$48,281
7Segerstrom Center for the Arts4.1$42,348
9Tradewinds Bar4.8$38,579
11Portland Spirit River Cruises4.0$37,097
12Bowlmor AMF4.3$34,911
14Supreme Ventures3.7$34,274
15Palace Theater4.2$34,110
16Jungle Co4.0$33,565
17Churchill Downs4.6$33,217
18Idea Ranch4.9$33,120
19Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament4.6$32,034
20Stars and Strikes Family Entertainment Centers3.8$31,806

What employees say about salary at Merlin Entertainments

Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Jan 2024
Pros of working at Merlin Entertainments

some of the people

Cons of working at Merlin Entertainments

management was super nasty to everyone. yelled. and hated when you took vacation

Merlin Entertainments Benefits

free tickets

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A zippia user wrote a review on Oct 2022
Pros of working at Merlin Entertainments


Cons of working at Merlin Entertainments

How they treat customers, its all about money and how to get more from them. A lot of fake marketing, asking for donations as a commercial company, I think people pay enough in ticket price and also they are making profits anyway, so why ask for donations to 'help' the animals

Merlin Entertainments Benefits

Free entrance to other parks,but if you work in country without other Merlin attractions its a bit difficult

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A zippia user wrote a review on Sep 2019
Pros of working at Merlin Entertainments

The opportunities to advance

Cons of working at Merlin Entertainments

Advancement can be based on who you know not what you know

Merlin Entertainments Benefits

Great health insurance and attraction benefits

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Frequently asked questions about Merlin Entertainments salaries

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Merlin Entertainments, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Merlin Entertainments. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Merlin Entertainments. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Merlin Entertainments. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Merlin Entertainments and its employees or that of Zippia.

Merlin Entertainments may also be known as or be related to Merlin Entertainments, Merlin Entertainments Group Florida LLC, Merlin Entertainments Group U.S. LLC, Merlin Entertainments Group US LLC, Merlin Entertainments PLC and Merlin Entertainments plc.