Visual Basic Operators

Equality Operators

Operator Description Example
= Is equal to x = y
NOT NOT equal to
if NOT x = y Then
End If

Relational Operators

Operator Description Example
< Less than if y < x ThenEnd If
> Greater Than if x > y ThenEnd If
<= Less than but equal to if x <= y ThenEnd If
>= Greater than but equal to if y >= x ThenEnd if

Conditional Operators

Operator Description Example
AND Compare two variables if a AND b equals If x AND y ThenEnd If
OR Compare two variables if a OR b equals If x or y ThenEnd If

Arithmetic Operators

Operator Description Example
+ Addition Operator 5 + 5
/ Division Operator 10 / 5
* Multiplication Operator 10 * 8

Other Operators

Operator Description Example
& Concatenation “a” & “b”

These are all very common operators and it is important to learn all of them.