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Other forms: plundered; plundering; plunders

Plunder can mean stolen goods or money obtained illegally, or the act of taking those things. A burglar might plunder a jewelry store and then sneak off with her plunder.

Plunder is an old Middle High German word that originally meant "household goods and clothes": in other words, your stuff. During the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648), English speakers acquired this word while fighting in the land that is today Germany, but with the added meaning of taking the plunder as, well, plunder. As both a noun and verb, a synonym for plunder is loot.

Definitions of plunder
  1. verb
    steal goods; take as spoils
    synonyms: despoil, foray, loot, pillage, ransack, reave, rifle, strip
    see moresee less
    deplume, displume
    strip of honors, possessions, or attributes
    type of:
    take by force
  2. verb
    take illegally; of intellectual property
    “This writer plundered from famous authors”
    synonyms: loot
    see moresee less
    type of:
    take without the owner's consent
  3. verb
    plunder (a town) after capture
    synonyms: sack
    see moresee less
    type of:
    take by force
  4. verb
    destroy and strip of its possession
    synonyms: despoil, rape, spoil, violate
    see moresee less
    type of:
    destroy, ruin
    destroy completely; damage irreparably
  5. noun
    goods or money obtained illegally
    synonyms: booty, dirty money, loot, pillage, prize, swag
    see moresee less
    type of:
    stolen property
    property that has been stolen
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