Shentel - Overview, Decision Makers & Competitors

TelecommunicationsEdinburg, Virginia, United States

Shentel is a Telecommunications based company located in Edinburg, Virginia, United States with over 1K - 10K employees. Here is the complete database of top employees, contact details and business statistics of Shentel. Click to get access

Shentel - Key Information


Edinburg, Virginia, United States


+1 540-984-4149


1K - 10K


$100 - 250M



SIC Code 4,813

NAICS Code 5,178


Residential and Business High Speed Broadband Sprint Affiliate Business Broadband Internet & Voice Solutions Tower Collocation Leasing Fiber Network Dedicated Ethernet Internet Ethernet Private Line Metro Ethernet Cell Tower Backhaul Cable TV E-rate and Unlimited Home Phone

Decision-Makers at Shentel


Brian Brooks

Vice President of Residential and SMB Sales at Shentel

Jim Volk

Chief Financial Officer at Shentel

Steven Carrick

Chief Engineer at Shentel

Eric Riffle

Supervisor, Network Services at Shentel

Tina Reynard

Manager Capital and Process Improvement at Shentel

Jennifer Cooper

Supervisor at Shentel

Shentel Global Presence


United States

500 Shentel Way, Edinburg, Virginia, 22824, United States

FAQs about Shentel

Who is the CEO of Shentel?

The CEO of Shentel is Chris French. You can view the complete profile by signing up.

What is the SIC code of Shentel?

The SIC codes for Shentel is 4813

What industry Shentel does belong to?

The Shentel is in Telecommunications

What is the annual revenue of Shentel?

The Shentel annual revenue is in the range of $100 - 250M

How many employees does Shentel have?

The total number of employees at Shentel was in the range of 1K - 10K

Where is Shentel based or headquartered?

Headquarters of Shentel is located in 500 Shentel Way, Edinburg, Virginia, 22824, United States

What year was Shentel founded?

The Shentel was founded in 1902

CEO of Shentel

Chris French


Chief Executive Officer





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