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RapidMiner Logo


Predictive data analytics software


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RapidMiner Reviews

Overall rating




Rating criteria

  • Value for money
  • Ease of use
  • Features
  • Customer support
  • Likelihood to recommend8.36/10

Reviews by rating

Pros and cons

The capabilities that this software offers are amazing. It is a great application for data analysis and statistical analysis.
The best thing is that I don't have to be an experienced Data Scientist to work with this too. It's a great tool at a great price and very easy to use compared to other tools on the market.
I combined RapidMiner with R and it is a wonderful tool. It is the best in the market to build useful information from the result of data ming process.
This may be a problem limited to my own machine. Aside from this I found that the application seems to hog my computers memory and cpu resources.
What I found to be very inconvenient is that the application crashes at times.
Actually the only complaint I have is that the sw didnt make it in the "LEADERS" quadrant of Gardner.
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