1. cdf3's Avatar
    I can no longer log info Facebook when I try to view the full version of the site with Opera Mini. It asks for me to confirm my account by entering my date of birth. After doing so and clicking on the Log In button, it redirects me back to the main log in page. I was able to do this with no issue using the Bolt browser. For some reason Opera Mini is unable to process the request. I can now only view Facebook with Opera Mini using the mobile website.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    07-17-09 08:21 PM
  2. MissHannah's Avatar
    Me too!!
    Bolt too, so I know it's a Facebook problem, not a browser one..
    They probably do that cause the IP change?
    Opera being in Norway or Sweden..
    07-17-09 09:08 PM
  3. princesscarmen42's Avatar
    I am having the same problem with OPERA mini. But I can login to facebook from other computers and from my BB built in browser. So maybe FB just has Opera issues?
    09-20-09 05:29 PM
  4. tscharron's Avatar
    I can log in with BB browser also, but I have other issues with Opera not able to open some pages, get downloads, etc. I think I am just going to uninstall Opera at this point.
    09-20-09 05:43 PM
  5. cdf3's Avatar
    I can no longer log info Facebook when I try to view the full version of the site with Opera Mini. It asks for me to confirm my account by entering my date of birth. After doing so and clicking on the Log In button, it redirects me back to the main log in page. I was able to do this with no issue using the Bolt browser. For some reason Opera Mini is unable to process the request. I can now only view Facebook with Opera Mini using the mobile website.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    I finally got it to work.

    This is what worked for me.
    I accessed Facebook by going through the Skweezer website using Opera Mini.
    The info was processed, while recognizing my Opera Mini browser as well. After that, I no longer have to access Facebook through Skweezer. Facebook remembers my Opera Mini browser now.

    Here's the link for Skweezer;

    Posted from my CrackBerry at wapforums.crackberry.com
    09-20-09 05:53 PM