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Wyndham Vacation Ownership overview

Founded In
Organization Type
Wyndham Worldwide Corporation provides hospitality services and products to individual and business customers worldwide. It operates through three segments: Hotel Group, Destination Network, and Vacation Ownership. The Hotel Group segment primarily franchises hotels in the upscale, upper midscale, midscale, economy, and extended stay segments, as well as provides property management services for full-service and select limited-service hotels. This segment operates approximately 7,923 franchised hotels and 697,600 hotel rooms. The Destination Network segment provides vacation exchange services and products to owners of intervals of vacation ownership interests (VOIs); manages and markets vacation rental properties primarily on behalf of independent owners. The Vacation Ownership segment develops, markets, and sells VOIs to individual consumers; and provides consumer financing in connection with the sale of VOIs, as well as offers property management services at resorts. The company offers its hospitality services and products under the Wyndham Hotels and Resorts, Ramada, Days Inn, Super 8, Howard Johnson, Wingate by Wyndham, Microtel Inns & Suites by Wyndham, TRYP by Wyndham, Dolce Hotels and Resorts, RCI, Landal GreenParks, Novasol, Hoseasons,, James Villa Holidays, Wyndham Vacation Rentals, Wyndham Vacation Resorts, Shell Vacations Club, and WorldMark by Wyndham. Wyndham Worldwide Corporation was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey.
The staff at Wyndham Vacation Ownership come from unusually diverse demographic backgrounds. The company is 53.3% female and 41.3% ethnic minorities. Wyndham Vacation Ownership employees are slightly more likely to be members of the Democratic Party than the Republican Party, with 64.0% of employees identifying as members of the Democratic Party. Despite their political differences, employees at Wyndham Vacation Ownership seem to be happy. The company has great employee retention with staff members usually staying for 4.0 years.The average employee at Wyndham Vacation Ownership makes $48,705 per year, which is competitive for its industry and location. Some of its highest paying competitors, CKE Restaurants Holdings, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, and InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc., pay $55,377, $45,359, and $38,820, respectively.
Wyndham Vacation Ownership is an industry leader with 37,800 employees and an annual revenue of $5.0B that is headquartered in Orlando, FL.

Wyndham Vacation Ownership's Mission Statement

To put the world on vacation.


Wyndham Vacation Ownership employee reviews

Based on 11 ratings

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Job openings at Wyndham Vacation Ownership
4 Positions
Average salary at Wyndham Vacation Ownership
$48,705 yearly

On This Page

Wyndham Vacation Ownership culture

  • What makes Wyndham Vacation Ownership a great place to work

    Welcome to a world of new possibilities. With new goals to set and new challenges to chase. This is your opportunity to join the world’s leading travel brands: Wyndham Destinations, Panorama, and Travel + Leisure Group. Your chance to become the best version of yourself — personally and professionally. Find out how thrilling it can be to put the world, and yourself, on vacation. Future You will thank you.
  • What is Wyndham Vacation Ownership's culture like

    At Travel + Leisure Co., there's opportunity around every corner. Each day brings a chance to learn and experience something new. Propelled by our innate curiosity and individual strengths, we are shaping the future of the travel industry together.

Wyndham Vacation Ownership employee reviews

Wyndham Vacation Ownership employee reviews

Based On 11 Ratings

Work At Wyndham Vacation Ownership? Share your experience.
Employee Reviews
A zippia user wrote a review on Aug 2020
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

The fast paced sales floor. Family type environment. Awesome client base leads. Hours of operation are conducive to a personal life. Pay structure is fair yet offers incentive to perform at peak levels.

Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

I don't dislike anything

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Benefits

Bonus and healthcare

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A zippia user wrote a review on May 2020
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership


Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Clicks in management

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Benefits

Medical dental vision and 401(k) and school reimbursement

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A zippia user wrote a review on Apr 2020
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Positive enviroment with excellent management. Excellent, generous remuneration and benefits.

Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Occasional overnight travel, not a good flier.

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Benefits

Incentive Trips, Vacations, Money

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A zippia user wrote a review on Apr 2020
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

great benefits and opportunity to work in other cities

Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

clicks for promotion

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Benefits

medical, dental, retirement , stock options

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A zippia user wrote a review on Dec 2019
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

The organization, teams, and people with a supportive and positive attitude and culture.

Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Limited toolsets and resources not properly aligned to the volume of workload.

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Benefits

Flexible work hours

Is this useful?
A zippia user wrote a review on Dec 2019
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Helping people vacation with their family is what I love about working there

Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

The inconsistency of income and the lack of ethics is a downfall of this company.

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A zippia user wrote a review on Nov 2019
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Team work, management and everything

Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Everything Team work

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Benefits

Retirement Travel Team work

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A zippia user wrote a review on Mar 2019
Pros of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Meeting new people. Good management and supervision.

Cons of working at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

Rude owners who think they are entitled. Terrible training. Wish I had someone to walk me through the job and learn more about room types before I was off on my own.

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Benefits

Good hours

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The team at Wyndham Vacation Ownership

  • The key people at Wyndham Vacation Ownership is Geoff Ballotti.
Key People
Geoff Ballotti

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Rankings

Wyndham Vacation Ownership is ranked #13 on the Best Hospitality Companies to Work For in Florida list. Zippia's Best Places to Work lists provide unbiased, data-based evaluations of companies. Rankings are based on government and proprietary data on salaries, company financial health, and employee diversity.

Read more about how we rank companies.

Wyndham Vacation Ownership salaries

The average a Wyndham Vacation Ownership salary in the United States is $48,705 per year. Wyndham Vacation Ownership employees in the top 10 percent can make over $95,000 per year, while Wyndham Vacation Ownership employees at the bottom 10 percent earn less than $24,000 per year.
Average Wyndham Vacation Ownership Salary
$23.42 hourly
Updated March 14, 2024

Rate Wyndham Vacation Ownership's fairness in compensating employees.

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Wyndham Vacation Ownership diversity

Diversity Score
We calculated Wyndham Vacation Ownership’s diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of Wyndham Vacation Ownership’s workforce.
Wyndham Vacation Ownership diversity summary. Zippia estimates Wyndham Vacation Ownership's demographics and statistics using a database of 30 million profiles. Zippia verifies estimates with BLS, Census, and current job openings data for accuracy. We calculated Wyndham Vacation Ownership's diversity score by measuring multiple factors, including the ethnic background, gender identity, and language skills of Wyndham Vacation Ownership's workforce.
  • Wyndham Vacation Ownership has 37,800 employees.
  • 53% of Wyndham Vacation Ownership employees are women, while 47% are men.
  • The most common ethnicity at Wyndham Vacation Ownership is White (59%).
  • 18% of Wyndham Vacation Ownership employees are Hispanic or Latino.
  • 12% of Wyndham Vacation Ownership employees are Black or African American.
  • The average employee at Wyndham Vacation Ownership makes $48,705 per year.
  • Wyndham Vacation Ownership employees are most likely to be members of the democratic party.
  • Employees at Wyndham Vacation Ownership stay with the company for 4.0 years on average.

Do you work at Wyndham Vacation Ownership?

Does Wyndham Vacation Ownership actively promote diversity and inclusion?

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Office Locations

Wyndham Vacation Ownership is headquartered in Orlando, FL

Wyndham Vacation Ownership Financial Performance

Performance Score

Highest paying Wyndham Vacation Ownership competitors

Compare Wyndham Vacation Ownership salaries to competitors, including CKE Restaurants Holdings, Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants, and InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc. Employees at CKE Restaurants Holdings earn the highest average yearly salary of $55,377. The salaries at Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants average $45,359 per year, and the salaries at InterContinental Hotels Group Resources, Inc. come in at $38,820 per year.

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Wyndham Vacation Ownership FAQs

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Zippia gives an in-depth look into the details of Wyndham Vacation Ownership, including salaries, political affiliations, employee data, and more, in order to inform job seekers about Wyndham Vacation Ownership. The employee data is based on information from people who have self-reported their past or current employments at Wyndham Vacation Ownership. The data on this page is also based on data sources collected from public and open data sources on the Internet and other locations, as well as proprietary data we licensed from other companies. Sources of data may include, but are not limited to, the BLS, company filings, estimates based on those filings, H1B filings, and other public and private datasets. While we have made attempts to ensure that the information displayed are correct, Zippia is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of this information. None of the information on this page has been provided or approved by Wyndham Vacation Ownership. The data presented on this page does not represent the view of Wyndham Vacation Ownership and its employees or that of Zippia.

Wyndham Vacation Ownership may also be known as or be related to Wyndham Destinations, Inc., Wyndham Vacation Ownership, Wyndham Worldwide Corporation and Wyndham Destinations.