Mutual Exchange is a home swap between two or more tenants renting from a housing association or a council.

It can be a great way of getting a new home without having to wait to work your way up a waiting list, as long as your tenancy agreement allows and other criteria are met.


House Exchange

House Exchange is an online tool that can help you find someone to swap homes through mutual exchange.

The House Exchange website matches people up with other households looking to move home too. You can search for homes across the UK. So, whether you need to downsize, upsize or change location, House Exchange could be an option for you.

How do I sign up?

Registration is quick, easy and free for our customers. Simply visit the House Exchange website and submit your registration online. We will get a notification that you’ve registered and will consider if we approve your request to join, this depends on how you’ve managed your tenancy with us, such as if you owe us a lot of rent, or if there’s been any anti-social issues.

Please note: There are conditions to swapping your home and everyone involved must give their approval.

For more information, visit

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