Clean our Cloud Campaign Day One Media Roundup

by Kevin Grandia

April 17, 2012

We are seeing big global media buzz today around the launch of our campaign urging tech giants Apple, Microsoft and Amazon to clean up our data clouds. If you want in depth information on the campaign you can go here: Tell Apple, Amazon and Microsoft you want a cleaner cloud.

Here’s a good sample of the first day of media if you’re interested in learning more about the issue:

NY Times: Online Cloud Services Rely on Coal or Nuclear Power, Report Says

Wired: Greenpeace: Apple Fuels iCloud With Dirty, Dirty Coal

Silicon Valley’s Mercury News: Cleaner clouds needed at Apple, Amazon and Twitter, Greenpeace says

Washington Post: Data centers in Va. and elsewhere have major carbon footprint, report says

GigaOm: Greenpeace slams Apple despite its clean power data center plans

GeekWire: Microsoft reaches carbon goal, but Greenpeace says its cloud is still too dirty

The Guardian: Apple defends green credentials of cloud computing services

AFP: Amazon, Apple, Twitter score low on clean energy: study

Bloomberg: Greenpeace Says Apple, Amazon Clouds Are Dirty, But They Disagree Apple, Facebook, Google, Twitter among companies using ‘dirty’ cloud technology: Greenpeace

Seattle Times: Amazon, Microsoft low on Greenpeace clean-energy ‘cloud’ index

The Climate Desk: How Dirty is the Cloud?

Here’s a great video report filed by the Climate Desk that explains the connection between Duke Energy coal power plants in North Carolina and Apple:

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